16 May 2024 Boosting Your Child’s Intelligence: A Parent’s Guide to Cognitive Development




As parents, we all aspire to offer our children the best foundation for their future and fostering their intellect is a significant part of that endeavour. In this context, let's delve into how we can support our children's cognitive development in various domains such as memory, attention and literacy. It's worth noting that these different aspects of intelligence development are interconnected and by providing children with the necessary support and opportunities to grow in these areas, we can enhance their overall cognitive development. Incorporating these tips into your daily routine not only facilitates learning but also helps you spend quality time together, exploring, playing and discovering the world. So, let's make this journey of nurturing our kids' intelligence fun and engaging, every step of the way! 




As parents, we're always looking for ways to help our kids thrive and succeed in life. But sometimes, it can feel like a daunting task, especially when it comes to nurturing their intelligence. Luckily, there are some incredibly fun and effective strategies we can use to support our children's growth and development.


  1. Talent Development
    First up, let's talk about talent development. Did you know that every child has unique talents and interests just waiting to be discovered? From a young age, they might show a knack for maths, music, sports, or the arts. As parents, our job is to pay attention to these clues and provide opportunities for our kids to explore and develop their talents further. One incredibly powerful tool for talent development is Decode Talent DNA testing. This innovative approach uses cutting-edge technology to analyse a child's genetic makeup and identify their innate abilities and predispositions.
    By understanding our children's genetic strengths and weaknesses, we can tailor their learning experiences to suit their individual needs and interests. By understanding our children's genetic strengths and weaknesses, we can tailor their learning experiences to suit their individual needs and interests. For example, if a child shows a natural aptitude for music, we can encourage them to take piano lessons or join a school choir. If they have a knack for problem-solving, we can provide them with puzzles and brain teasers to challenge their minds.  Whether it's signing them up for piano lessons, enrolling them in a soccer league, or encouraging them to pursue their passion for drawing, nurturing their talents from an early age can set them up for success down the road. Ready to dive deeper into fostering your child's unique talents and intelligence? Check out this comprehensive article on Talent Development in Children.

  2. Outdoor Play
    But talent development is just one piece of the puzzle. Outdoor play is another essential ingredient in fostering our children's intelligence. In today's screen-dominated world, it's more important than ever to get our kids outside and exploring the great outdoors. Not only does outdoor play keep them physically active and healthy, but it also stimulates their minds and imaginations in ways that indoor activities simply can't match. Whether they're building forts in the backyard, splashing in puddles at the park, or going on nature hikes with the family, outdoor play offers endless opportunities for learning, creativity, and social interaction. And if you're curious about the benefits of outdoor play and want to discover more ways to enrich your child's life through outdoor adventures, this insightful article is for you!

  3. Video Games
    And here's a surprising one: video games. Yes, you heard that right! Contrary to popular belief, research suggests that video games can actually be beneficial for our kids' cognitive development when enjoyed in moderation. Games that require quick thinking, problem-solving, and strategic planning can help sharpen their minds and teach valuable life skills like perseverance and resilience. Of course, it's essential to set limits on screen time and choose age-appropriate games, but when enjoyed responsibly, gaming can be a fun and effective way to support our children's intelligence.
    So, as parents, let's embrace these three pillars of intelligence: talent development, outdoor play, and yes, even video games, as we guide our kids on their journey of growth and discovery. By providing them with diverse opportunities for learning and exploration, we can help them unlock their full potential and set them up for a lifetime of success. After all, intelligence isn't just about how much our kids know, it's about how they apply their knowledge, adapt to new situations, and thrive in the world around them. Lastly, if you want to learn more about how video games can boost intelligence and creativity, don't miss out on this fascinating read. Trust us, you won't regret it!


Linguistic Intelligence (Verbal Intelligence)

Let's journey into the world of words with your child! Like planting seeds in a garden, nurturing your child's verbal intelligence can lead to amazing growth and discovery. But don't worry if helping your child with words feels overwhelming. We're here to make it fun and easy with simple tips and exciting activities. Picture your child confidently raising their hand in class, participating in discussions and acing presentations. Verbal intelligence lays the foundation for effective communication skills that will serve them well in school and beyond. But how can parents ignite and fuel this linguistic fire? It's simpler than you think! 


  1. Diary
    Encourage your child to keep a diary, where they can pour out their thoughts and experiences in vivid detail. Dive into the magical realm of storybooks together, where each page is a gateway to imagination and learning. Joining a book club isn't just for adults, it's a fantastic way for kids to engage in lively discussions and expand their linguistic horizons.

  2. Learn A New Language 
    And why stop there? Learning a new language isn't just a skill; it's an adventure! Whether it's mastering their native tongue or delving into a foreign language, each word learned opens up new avenues of understanding and connection. And what better way to hone those verbal skills than through the art of debate? Encouraging your child to express their thoughts and ideas in a structured yet spirited manner not only sharpens their linguistic prowess but also boosts their confidence and critical thinking abilities.
    If you would like to know further about verbal intelligence, read this interesting article to discover more about unlocking your child's linguistic potential and fostering a love for language that will last a lifetime. So, dear parents, unleash the power of words and watch your child's linguistic intelligence soar to new heights! With a little encouragement and a lot of imagination, you'll be amazed at what they can achieve.


Cognitive Abilities

Hey, parents! Do you know that your kids learn and remember things in their unique ways? Let's dive into the world of memory and learning styles, and uncover how verbal memory, visual memory, and visual-spatial learning shape their learning adventures!


  1. Learning Styles
    First off, let's talk about learning styles. Just like grown-ups, kids have their own special ways of taking in and remembering information. Some children love to listen to stories and songs (verbal learners), while others prefer looking at pictures and exploring with their hands (visual learners). And then there are the adventure seekers who love to build, explore, and solve puzzles (visual-spatial learners). By understanding these styles, we can tailor activities to match how our kids learn best!

  2. Verbal Memory
    Now, let’s dive further into verbal memory. Picture your child's face lighting up as they sing along to their favourite song or recite their favourite nursery rhyme. That's verbal memory in action! It's all about remembering words and sounds, like the lyrics to a song or the lines from a storybook. So, when your kiddo asks for another round of "Wheels on the Bus," or begs for one more bedtime story, remember that they're flexing their verbal memory muscles and having a blast while they're at it! 

  3. Visual Memory
    Next up, let's talk visual memory! Ever notice how your little one can spot their favourite toy in a sea of stuffed animals or remember exactly where they left their shoes? That's visual memory doing its thing! It's like a mental photo album, storing all the colours, shapes, and details they see. So, when you're flipping through picture books together or exploring nature, know that every image is adding to their memory bank and fuelling their curiosity about the world around them. 

  4. Visual-spatial Learning
    Last but not least, let's explore visual-spatial learning! Think of your kiddo building a towering block tower or solving a tricky puzzle. That's visual-spatial learning in action! It's all about using their eyes and hands to explore, create, and problem-solve in three dimensions. So, when you're setting up a scavenger hunt or building with blocks, know that you're not just having fun, you're also helping your child develop important spatial skills that will serve them well in school and beyond!

Now that we know all about verbal memory, visual memory, and visual-spatial learning, let's put that knowledge into action! Whether it's singing songs, flipping through picture books, or going on a scavenger hunt, there are endless ways to make learning fun and engaging for every type of learner. So, let's embrace our kiddos' unique learning styles, celebrate their strengths, and watch as they embark on unforgettable learning adventures! If you're curious to unlock the secrets of how visual-spatial learning strategies can supercharge your child's memory and learning skills, dive into this enlightening article!


Cognitive Skills


  1. Working Memory
    In the bustling world of a child’s development, two critical cognitive skills play a pivotal role: working memory and executive function. Together, these functions are the scaffolding that supports a child's ability to learn, manage daily activities, and grow into a successful adult. For parents looking to nurture these essential skills in their children, understanding and actively fostering them can lead to profound benefits in school performance and beyond.
    Think of working memory as the brain's "sticky note." It's a space where new information is temporarily held and processed. This cognitive function is crucial for following instructions, solving problems, and even reading. Children with robust working memory tend to excel in academics because they can hold and manipulate information effectively, be it recalling steps in a maths problem or following a series of instructions.
    The model developed by Baddeley and Hitch highlights that working memory isn’t just for quick recall but also organises new knowledge for long-term retention. However, when working memory struggles, it can affect a child's ability to learn and retain information across all subjects. 

  2. Executive Function
    Executive function is like the conductor of an orchestra, ensuring that various cognitive, communication, sensory, and motor skills work in harmony. This set of skills, including working memory, mental flexibility, and self-control, is crucial from an early age. It governs our capacity to juggle multiple tasks, switch focus between tasks, and control impulses.
    Developing strong executive functions can help children plan, monitor, and execute their tasks with better efficiency. Whether it’s socialising, learning, or playing, these skills are foundational for managing daily life and overcoming challenges. Children with well-developed working memory and executive function skills are better equipped to handle the complexities of school tasks, social relationships, and daily challenges. As these skills flourish, so does a child’s ability to think critically, solve problems independently, and manage their time and emotions effectively. Dive into our article to explore the power of executive functions in mastering thoughts, actions, and emotions. 



In a world buzzing with distractions, the role of attention in a child's development cannot be overstated. From achieving academic success to nurturing emotional intelligence, the ability to focus is a cornerstone of a child's growth and well-being. Understanding and cultivating this crucial skill can lead to profound benefits for our children. Here's how you can actively engage in enhancing your child's attentional capacities.

Attention is more than just the ability to stick to a task; it forms the basis for all higher cognitive processing. A child's capacity to concentrate not only affects learning in the classroom but also their social interactions and problem-solving skills. From infancy, children show different levels of attentional control, which can be significantly developed through mindful parenting.

It's important to recognise that developing attention is a gradual process influenced by each child's unique temperament and environment. However, the rewards of nurturing this skill are immense. Enhanced attention can lead to better academic performance, more fulfilling social relationships, and effective coping strategies.

By paying attention to attention, we not only help our children achieve immediate goals but also equip them with a skill that is pivotal throughout their lives. Whether it's through structured play, thoughtful guidance, or by setting the right example, enhancing our children’s focus is an investment in their future, making them more resilient and attentive individuals. So, let’s embrace the challenge and help our children master the art of attention. Dive into this article to uncover exhilarating strategies and dynamic activities guaranteed to supercharge your child's focus and attention span! 


Literacy Skills (Reading Skills

Getting children excited about reading can sometimes feel as tricky as getting them to eat their vegetables. But just like finding fun ways to serve broccoli, making reading enjoyable can really change how kids feel about books. When children are interested in reading and want to do it on their own, they learn and grow more from the experience.

  1. Motivate Reading
    When kids find joy in reading, they don’t see it as a chore but as a fun activity. This love for reading helps them in many ways. They learn new words, understand more about the world, and even get better at other school subjects. When parents choose books that match their child's interests like stories about dragons, space, or fairy tales, it helps spark this love for reading.

  2. The Importance of Motivation
    Motivation is what keeps children going even when reading gets tough. Learning to read can be hard. There are many new words and sometimes the stories can be complicated. But when kids really want to read, they keep trying even when it’s difficult. This effort makes them better readers because they practise more, try new words, and think more about what the stories mean.
    Ultimately, while it's important for kids to know how to read, it's even more important for them to enjoy reading. By focusing on making reading fun, parents and teachers help children not just become good readers, but lifelong learners who love to discover new things. 


Word Spelling

As parents, we all want to equip our children with the tools they need for academic success, and solid spelling skills are a fundamental part of this toolkit. However, English is notorious for its spelling challenges, with rules that often come with more exceptions than the rules themselves! But don't worry! Here's your playbook for guiding your young spellers through the twists and turns of English spelling, especially when it's not as straightforward as it seems.

  1. Phonics
    Phonics is a powerful tool, teaching children how to connect sounds with letters. Think of phonics as the initial training wheels for spelling, it teaches kids to link sounds with letters and works like a charm for straightforward words. It works wonderfully with regular words, but English has many irregular words where standard phonics rules fall short. For these, memory and practice are key. 

  2. Context
    Teach your child to use context as a clue for spelling. The meaning of a word often hints at its spelling. Use context as your secret weapon. It’s like a treasure map where the meaning of a word points you to its correct spelling. For example, differentiate between "stationary" (not moving) and "stationery" (writing supplies) by associating the "ar" in "car" (something that stops) and the "e" in "pen" (something used to write). Clever, right?

  3. Practice 
    Finally, regular practice remains key in mastering tricky spellings. Encourage writing as a habit, be it through journaling, writing stories, or sending thank you cards. Mistakes will happen, and that's okay. Each error provides a new learning opportunity.
    Remember, every child’s learning curve is different, and patience is your strongest ally. Celebrate small victories together and maintain a positive, encouraging environment. Your support and encouragement are powerful spells in the magical quest of mastering word spelling!




By exploring these resources and integrating their insights into daily learning activities, you can effectively contribute to your child's cognitive development and overall intellectual growth. Each link provided offers detailed guidance and practical tips tailored to help parents and educators foster these critical skills in young learners. 

As parents, we’re constantly seeking ways to support our children’s development and understanding their unique genetic makeup can provide invaluable insights. Imagine gaining a deeper understanding of your child’s innate talents and predispositions in various cognitive domains. With our Decode Talent DNA Test, you can uncover fascinating DNA insights on your child’s IQ across different domains such as verbal intelligence, memory, attention and more. By analysing their genetic markers, we can provide personalised guidance tailored to your child’s specific genetic makeup, empowering you to support their intellectual growth more effectively. With this knowledge, you can nurture their strengths, address potential areas of improvement and embark on a journey of learning that’s perfectly tailored to your child’s individual needs. Join us in unlocking the full potential of your kid’s intelligence and guiding them towards a brighter future! Head over to our website for more information: https://www.agtgenetics.com/our-dna-test 

A deep understanding about your child’s nature empowers you to make parenting decision tailored for their needs, enable you to nurture them well and truly give them the best that they deserved. Understand your child’s DNA today with Absolute Genetic Technologies’ Decode Talent DNA Test (DTDT) today!