03 May 2024 Cultivating Children's Hidden Talents with Care


Parents are always interested in uncovering the potential hidden talents of their children, wondering if they possess a gift for math, music, sports, or the arts. This curiosity, whether conscious or subconscious, highlights the universal desire for our child to succeed in life. However, being talented is more than just having a natural knack for something—it requires identification and nurturing from the earliest stages of development. Benjamin Bloom, the renowned educational psychologist, emphasized the importance of mastering skills as the cornerstone of talent development in children. Through this mastery, both teachers and parents fulfill their fundamental roles in imparting essential skills and knowledge, ensuring that children are equipped with the tools needed to thrive. Discovering and cultivating these unique talents in kids from a young age sets the stage for a brighter future, where they can leverage their skills and strengths to achieve success in various endeavors. Witnessing the growth of these hidden talents is not only rewarding but also crucial for guiding children towards fulfilling their potential and realizing their dreams. Talent development, nurtured from a young age, lays the foundation for a lifetime of achievement and fulfillment.


Stages of development

Children go through distinct periods of development as they grow from infants to young adults. During each of these stages, multiple changes in the development of the brain are taking place. What occurs and when approximately these developments transpire are genetically determined. According to David Henry Feldman, a college professor, who researches the growth and development of children, there are 4 stages of talent development through the ages. 

4 to 10 years of age – During early childhood and development, children explore and observe the environment to expand their mind.  

10 to 13 years of age – Talent development starts with the help and guidance of their teachers and role models. Competition and praise play an important role in their talent development. 

13 to 18 years of age – Children learn that dedication and commitment are necessary for the development of their talent. They learn their responsibility and the needed sacrifice to grow. 

18+ of their years – This stage marks the period where children decide to instill their talent as the choice of their career in the future.  

Learn more with this link! Let’s go through different talents together!




Education (Academic Learning)

Creativity (Artistic Potential)

Entrepreneurship Skills (Entrepreneurship Potential)




Music (Musical Aptitude)

Long Distance Running (Endurance Sports)

  • Parenting Tips

Sprinting (Sprint Sports)




Academic learning

Education lays the cornerstone of intellectual or cognitive development in early childhood, equipping them with essential knowledge and skills for future endeavours. It fosters critical thinking, creativity, and social development, preparing children to tackle challenges and excel in an ever-changing world.


Navigating Attention Challenges in Academic Learning

Do you find yourself struggling to capture your child's attention during learning sessions? Do they seem easily distracted or unable to focus on tasks for an extended period? Understanding how attention works and its importance in academic learning can help address these challenges. Attention is more than just focusing—it involves being alert, selecting what to pay attention to, avoiding distractions, and shifting focus when needed. As children grow, their attention spans develop, allowing them to sustain focus on tasks for longer periods. However, factors like motivation, sleep, and nutrition can impact their ability to concentrate. By recognizing these influences and implementing strategies to enhance attention, parents can support their children's academic success.


Parenting Tips 

  1. Engage and Enjoy: Encourage longer focus by introducing tasks in engaging and enjoyable ways. For example, instead of traditional methods, allow children to explore letters with chalk or Play-Doh. Notice and discuss interesting details in the environment to demonstrate the importance of paying attention.
  2. Clear Instructions: Provide clear and concise instructions while maintaining close physical proximity. Make eye contact, stand at the same eye level, or touch the child's shoulder to help them better focus on the task at hand.
  3. Reduce Distractions: Identify and minimise distractions that hinder attention. Ensure children are well-rested and nourished with healthy snacks to support concentration. Break tasks into smaller steps and offer short reminders rather than lengthy explanations.
  4. Encourage Physical Activity: Promote an active lifestyle to improve attention span, cognitive processing speed, and academic performance. Encourage participation in sports and physical activities to enhance concentration and overall well-being.



Artistic potential

Artistic potential is a beacon of creativity and expression in every child. It represents the uniqueness to perceive the world through a lens of imagination and innovation. Whether it's through painting, music, dance, or any other form of artistic endeavor, nurturing this potential is vital for fostering a child's creativity, self-expression, and emotional well-being. By recognizing and encouraging artistic talent from an early age, parents and educators can unlock a world of limitless possibilities for children to explore and create.


Parenting Tips

Parents are able to help their children to reach their gifted potential. In order to explore their curiosity and stimulate their creative ability, the education team from Bright Horizons has suggested a few ways that can nurture their creativity.

  1. Encourage Outdoor Exploration: Nature provides countless opportunities for discovery, creativity, and problem-solving. Spend some time at the beach, seaside, and the park; camping, lying on the ground and looking up at the sky. Being close to the natural world inspires children to think, question, do some guesswork, as well as develop creative minds.
  2. Promote Imaginative Play: Encourage your children to play house, doctor, farm, space station and etc. able to help him to organize his thoughts while developing social and verbal skills. Join your children and let your children lead your playtime together.
  3. Foster Creative Thinking: Asking questions that provoke imaginative and creative thinking is an effective way to invite your child to express his ideas and share his visions while giving him the message that his ideas are important.
  4. Limit electronic device usage: Since we are in the digital era, it would be tough parenting and nurturing imagination. Hence, it would be better if the use of electronic products is limited and engage the children in creative activities such as imaginative play, reading, drawing, etc.
  5. Support Independent Exploration: Let the children work through what they are doing on their own. Give chances for them to figure out what and how to do it in certain situations. Allow them the freedom and autonomy to explore their ideas in order to avoid the feeling of forcing.

Entrepreneurship Skills 

Entrepreneurship potential

The idea of raising a child to become entrepreneurs, owning and leading his own projects, skills development, mastering the art of marketing, management and problem solving. Forming child entrepreneurs from kindergarten stage is important and contributes in forming global entrepreneurs in the future. It can be argued that successful entrepreneurs were born with attributes that made them successful like an open mind and competitive spirit, but not to forget, entrepreneurship also requires skills that can be developed over time such as courage, creativity and stress management.


Parenting Tips

To cultivate entrepreneurial spirit in your children from young, parents are advised to: 

  1. Help children to set effective goals: Setting goals can help children develop grit. It also teaches them to take responsibility for their own actions and promotes a "can-do" attitude. 
  2. Let children solve their own problems: Resist the urge to fix all of your children's problems. Letting them solve their own problems encourages independent problem solving skills. 
  3. Foster creativity: Creativity is a key entrepreneurial trait. While your child's imagination is still developing, activities such as drama, music, dance, arts and crafts can foster their creativity. 
  4. Provide entrepreneurial education: Entrepreneurial training helps to develop entrepreneurs' minds and ability to identify opportunity.





Early language development plays an important role in child development. Early childhood language development is the process through which children learn to understand and communicate in a  language.  Children develop language at a quick rate from birth until the age of five. Learning language becomes substantially more difficult for most children after the age of five. Humans go through the same phases of language development. The age and rate at which a toddler accomplishes each milestone of language development, on the other hand, varies substantially for every child. The development of language is a reflection of the brain's growth and maturation.


Parenting Tips

  1. Gurgling to your baby: Foster early language development by engaging in vocal interactions with your baby, responding enthusiastically to their sounds and expressions.
  2. Talk to your kids more often: Encourage frequent conversations with your kids throughout the day, using simple language to describe activities and experiences.
  3. Read to your child more story books: Enhance language skills through regular storytime, reading age-appropriate books, and encouraging interactive discussions.
  4. Sing and play music to your baby: Stimulate language development by singing songs, playing music, and incorporating movement into your interactions with your child.
  5. Explain/narrate to your child what you are doing: Support language acquisition by narrating daily activities, describing actions and surroundings to help children learn new words and concepts.



Leadership in children is more than just a role—it's a valuable set of skills and qualities that shape their development and future success. From an early age, children exhibit leadership potential through their ability to influence, inspire, and collaborate with others. Cultivating leadership skills in children not only empowers them to take initiative and make positive contributions to their communities but also fosters confidence, resilience, and empathy. In today's dynamic and interconnected world, nurturing leadership abilities in children is essential for building a generation of capable and compassionate individuals who can thrive and lead with purpose.


Parenting Tips

Experts suggested a few early environmental influences important for leadership development.

  1. Apply authoritative parenting style: Authoritative parents produce teenagers most likely for becoming effective leaders. These parents are assertive, but not intrusive and restrictive. Their disciplinary methods are supportive, rather than punitive. They want their children to be assertive as well as socially responsible, and self-regulated as well as cooperative. Teens with authoritative parents, who are given increasing independence as they mature, tend to be more socially competent and self-reliant than teens raised under other parenting styles.
  2. Encourage involvement in sports: Research has highlighted that many sports-related skills are transferable to leadership situations later in life. These include visioning, intellectualizing, cultivating self-efficacy, focus on winning, being self-interested, being competitive, being task and ego-oriented, and cultivating and enjoying the flow experience.



Mathematics is more than just numbers and equations—it's a fundamental aspect of early childhood development that lays the groundwork for critical thinking, problem-solving, and logical reasoning. From learning to count and recognize shapes to mastering complex mathematical concepts, children engage with mathematics in various ways as they grow and learn. Developing strong mathematical skills at a young age not only prepares children for academic success but also equips them with essential skills for navigating real-world challenges and opportunities.


Parenting Tips

Encouraging your child's mathematical development starts with simple, everyday actions at home. Here are some practical tips for supporting your child's mathematical journey at every stage of development.

  1. Help children learn basic numeracy concepts: Introduce counting, shapes, and simple mathematical concepts through everyday activities and play. Use hands-on materials like blocks or toys to make learning fun and interactive.
  2. Engage in math learning activities at home: Encourage discussions about counting, quantities, and comparisons of values like more and less. Make counting purposeful by incorporating it into daily routines, such as counting snacks or toys. Involve children in activities like measuring ingredients while cooking or sorting items during household chores.
  3. Share positive attitudes about math: Model a positive attitude towards math by expressing enthusiasm and confidence in your own mathematical abilities. Encourage a growth mindset by emphasizing that everyone can learn and improve in math with effort and practice.


Musical aptitude

Musical aptitude in children is a fascinating aspect of their development, encompassing their innate ability to perceive, understand, and create music. From an early age, children exhibit a range of musical behaviors, from singing and rhythmic movements to an affinity for specific instruments or styles. Nurturing this aptitude not only enhances their musical skills but also contributes to their overall cognitive, emotional, and social development.


Parenting Tips

Unlocking the musical potential within children is a journey filled with discovery, joy, and growth. As parents, fostering their musical aptitude from an early age can lay the foundation for a lifelong passion and appreciation for music, these parenting tips will help cultivate their musical talents and nurture their love for music.

  1. Encourage professional musical training: By enrolling your child in programs like the Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, which provides structured and professional musical instruction. Additionally, support their participation in ensemble groups or orchestras to further develop collaborative skills and gain valuable performance experience.
  2. Provide additional support and resources: Take your child to concerts and musical events to expose them to diverse styles of music and inspire their passion. Experiencing live performances can ignite their interest and deepen their appreciation for music.


Long Distance Running 

Endurance sports

Endurance sports are not just about speed; they're about determination, resilience, and pushing your limits. These activities challenge children to build stamina, improve their cardiovascular health, and develop mental toughness. From running and swimming to cycling and hiking, endurance sports offer a variety of opportunities for children to explore their physical strength and discover the thrill of going the distance. 


Parenting Tips

As guardians of their children's athletic journey, parents play a crucial role in providing guidance, support, and encouragement.

  1. Guide through Stages of Development:
  • Early Years (age 6-12): Introduce your child to a variety of sports to explore their interests and abilities.
  • Specializing Years (age 13-15): Provide support for their chosen sport by investing in coaching, equipment, and training facilities.
  • Investment Years (age 16+): Transition to an advisory role as your child commits to higher levels of training and competition.
  1. Offer Emotional Support: Stay actively involved and interested in your child's sport, offering encouragement and emotional support. Help them navigate setbacks such as injuries or training pressure, fostering resilience and determination.



Sprint sports

Sprint sports are all about speed, excitement, and pushing your limits to reach the finish line in record time. From dashing across the track to zooming through the water, sprint sports offer children the exhilarating thrill of rapid movement and intense competition.


Parenting Tips

Here are some simple yet effective strategies to help children thrive in sprint sports, from fostering a love for running to promoting proper technique and fostering a positive mindset. 

  1. Encourage Regular Practice Sessions: Schedule regular practice sessions to help your child refine their sprinting technique and build speed and agility. Focus on short bursts of intense effort followed by adequate rest periods to maximize sprinting performance.
  2. Provide Proper Training Equipment: Ensure your child has access to appropriate footwear and attire suitable for sprinting activities to minimize the risk of injury and optimize performance. Invest in quality equipment such as starting blocks, timing devices, and resistance bands to enhance their training regimen.

To better understand your child's talents and strengths, tools like the Decode Talent DNA Test can provide invaluable insights into their genetic and DNA towards various skills and strengths. This allows you to tailor your parenting approach, nurturing their talents and fostering their development in areas where they excel. The best part is, these skills are not limited to childhood but will benefit them throughout their lives, helping them succeed in various endeavors and pursue their passions with confidence.

Check out our DNA Testing and start shaping a personalized parenting plan for your child's talent development today! To read more blogs, click here!

A deep understanding about your child’s nature empowers you to make parenting decision tailored for their needs, enable you to nurture them well and truly give them the best that they deserved. Understand your child’s DNA today with Absolute Genetic Technologies’ Decode Talent DNA Test (DTDT) today!