23 August 2023 Teaching Kids to Navigate Conflicts in Their Friendship

Friendship conflicts are a natural part of growing up. Kids will inevitably experience conflicts with their friends, such as disagreements over sharing toys, conflicting interests or opinions, misunderstandings, or even hurtful words exchanged in the heat of the moment. These conflicts can range from small squabbles to more significant challenges that test the strength of their friendships. While it may seem daunting, these conflicts are actually a natural part of friendship and provide valuable opportunities for growth and learning, as the saying goes:


Conflict is the beginning of consciousness.” 

– M. Esther Harding, British-American psychoanalyst.


As parents, we can play a crucial role in teaching our children how to effectively navigate these conflicts, fostering healthier and more resilient friendships. Let’s explore these tips to help you guide your kids in managing conflicts with their friends:


1. Helping Kids to identify and manage their emotions

Teach them to recognize and understand emotions like anger and frustration. Encourage them to express their feelings in healthy ways and provide them with techniques to remain calm during heated moments. By developing emotional awareness, children can better understand their own reactions and make more thoughtful choices in conflict situations.


2. Identifying the Root of the Conflict

To resolve conflicts effectively, it's essential to identify the underlying cause. Encourage your child to explore the original source of the conflict and dig deeper to understand the root issue. By helping them pinpoint the core problem, they can work towards finding more meaningful solutions rather than merely addressing surface-level disagreements.


3. Brainstorming Solutions

Empower your child to develop problem-solving skills by engaging them in brainstorming sessions. Encourage them to generate a variety of potential solutions without judgment. Guide them in evaluating the pros and cons of each option. This process helps foster creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration, allowing them to find mutually beneficial resolutions with their friends.


4. Practicing Effective Communication

Effective communication is vital for resolving conflicts. Teach your child the value of using words to express themselves respectfully and honestly. Encourage active listening, which involves understanding and acknowledging the perspectives of others. Encourage your child to ask questions, reflect back on what they hear, and practice open and honest communication with their friends. Journaling can also be a helpful tool for children to explore and express their thoughts and feelings.


5. Encouraging Perspective Shift and Empathy:

Sometimes, conflicts persist despite best efforts. If that happens, then it's best for you to encourage your child to take a mental step back and gain a new perspective. Help them understand that one behavior doesn't define an entire person. Teach them empathy by encouraging them to put themselves in their friend's shoes. Additionally, teach them that it's okay to walk away from toxic friendships when necessary, emphasizing that true friendship is based on mutual respect and shared values.


Building stronger Friendships with children 

Studies have shown that children with high emotional intelligence have an easier time adjusting to and maintaining stronger friendships (Galloway et al., 2006). To better understand your child's emotional intelligence, tools like the Decode Talent DNA Test can provide invaluable insights into their genetic tendencies toward various emotional traits. This allows you to tailor your parenting approach, nurturing their emotional intelligence and skills to navigate conflicts and foster stronger friendships. The best part is, these skills are not limited to childhood but will benefit them throughout their lives in building positive and fulfilling relationships.


Check out our Decode Talent DNA Test and start shaping a personalized parenting plan for your child's development today. 




Garey, J. (2023, March 28). Teaching Kids How to Deal With Conflict. Retrieved May 18, 2023, from https://childmind.org/article/teaching-kids-how-to-deal-with-conflict/


Pruett-Hornbaker, L. (2022, May 17). 5 Ways to Help Kids Handle Disagreements With Friends. Retrieved May 18, 2023, from https://www.pbs.org/parents/thrive/ways-to-help-kids-handle-disagreements-with-friends


Galloway, S. H., Groves, M., & Devonport, T. (2006). Emotional Intelligence and friendship patterns among Sport Studies Students, School of Sport. Performing Arts and Leisure. CELT Learning and Teaching Projects 2005/2006. 



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